Chiropractic Care at Foundation Chiropractic
At Foundation Chiropractic, our patient-centered approach is built around employing safe, evidence-based chiropractic adjustment protocols that are customized to the patient and his or her particular condition. While certain cases are similar, each individual is unique. For example, two people with a similar sciatica diagnoses may have completely different causes from ergonomic, traumatic, or even dietary factors. These two cases therefore receive different types of therapy and counsel. If you present with neck pain due to looking at your smart phone (“tech neck”), you are likely to be in a more mild condition than a case of neck pain due to a motor vehicle accident. These two cases are therefore likely to receive very different visit frequency prescriptions. Our high rate of success is a product of thorough exams as well as employing several complementary therapies. These include massage therapy, physical therapy, mechanical traction, and more.
Chiropractic Adjustments and Techniques
Chiropractic adjustments involve gentle force to misaligned or otherwise dysfunctional spinal (and other) joints. The most common forms of dysfunction are restricted joint range of motion, abnormal posture and weight distribution, nerve root compression, scar tissue formation, and misaligned vertebrae. The goal of chiropractic is to remove these deficits in order to facilitate the natural healing process. This is comparable to the healing observed after a small cut. Picking or otherwise irritating the scab ultimately prolongs and attenuates the normal process. Left alone and uninhibited, this process occurs involuntarily and near flawlessly. The same is true for your internal structures. In this case the “scab” is untreated traumatic injury (new or old), chronic poor posture, repetitive wear and tear at work, bending and lifting, and so on. Since symptoms are always a product of dysfunction, reestablishment of normal function results in more efficient healing, thus subsequent amelioration of your symptoms.
Our techniques vary based on condition and individual. Dr. Schneider and Dr. Kalantarov are able to cater to a wide variety of different conditions, ages, body types and personal preferences. These techniques include Full spine, Diversified, Thompson, Gonstead, Cox, Toggle, Webster, SOT, and Activator techniques.
If you have a technique preference, or need light/heavy force, please let us know on your first visit.
Our Experience
Drs. Schneider and Kalantarov have performed ~25,000 adjustment procedures and with and Joan Wallace, LMT have 30 years of combined clinical experience. Dr. Schneider has additional training in spinal traumatology and whiplash. Dr. Kalantarov holds certifications in both Activator and Webster techniques.
Conditions Treated with Chiropractic Care
Ancillary Treatments

Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is used in conjunction with chiropractic care in order to help transition patients from pain relief to wellness care. Specific muscle groups are trained based on each individual condition. We utilize techniques such as stretching, ART, trigger point therapy as well as range of motion, stability and strengthening exercises.

Mechanical Traction
Mechanical traction is one of many current techniques which aim to create decompression of the spine. This is achieved by gentle distraction of two bones away from each other, which creates the decompressive effect. Mechanical traction is very effective at treating disc herniations/bulges, arthritis, and pain.

Electric muscle stimulation (EMS) and therapeutic Ultrasound (US) are applied as adjunctive therapies. EMS is especially effective at treating muscle spasms and acute pain while US helps treat joint stiffness, sprains/strains and chronic issues.
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CBD Creams

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Cervical Dennerroll


Lumbar Support

Lumbar Brace

Heel Lifts

Hot/Cold Pack

Cervical Pillow